
Ministries of Keystone Baptist Church

"A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove, but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child." - Forest Witcraft

Keystone Kids Club is a program for children 3 years old through the first grade. We sing a lot of songs, work on Bible verses, have a lesson, and color a picture related to the lesson. Our puppet Clem visits with us every week, too. The children look forward to Keystone Kids each week!

This year’s program is going well. The children are doing a wonderful job of learning John 14:2-6. Parents, thank you for your help with this throughout the week. For our lessons this year,we are learning about the Life of Christ. It’s amazing to see these young children listen and learn. Our goal is to lay the foundation for children to accept the Lord at an early age.

If you have children in this age group, we would love to have them join us!  (Parents are welcome to stay, until the child feels comfortable alone).

We have many different classes at Keystone Baptist Church:





2-3 yr. olds

Kids – 4 -Truth Curriculum

Sharon Crane & helpers


4-5 yr. olds

Kids – 4 – Truth Curriculum

Lois Perkinson


1st & 2nd Grades

Kids – 4 – Truth Curriculum

Shawnee Brown


3rd & 4th Grades

Kids – 4 – Truth Curriculum

Larry Kerns


5th & 6th Grade boys/girls

Kids – 4 – Truth Curriculum

Mark Myers


Jr./Sr. High teens


Stuart Rogers


Adult I

The Bible

Todd Channel



Marriage and Family Issues

Pastor Wright


Chinese Fellowship

Biblical Basics

Pastor Wright


Ladies Class

Bible Study

Susan Kerns


Senior Saints is the best ministry at Keystone Baptist Church.

Music plays a major role in our lives.  It is almost impossible for us to go anywhere today and not have access to music.  While everyone has certain styles of music to which they are accustomed, it is the goal of Keystone Baptist Church to use music that is doctrinally sound and biblically supported.  God, Creator of everything in the universe, created music for His pleasure and for His glory (Rev. 4:11).  It is this truth that serves as the foundational for the music ministry at Keystone Baptist Church.  It is our goal and desire to use and promote music that will bring honor to the holiness of our God.  As children of God, we have been called to be holy — separate from the world and set apart to our God (I Peter 1:15-16).  Applying this verse to our music necessitates that the music of the children of God music be distinct from the world in the following areas:

      • Distinct in its Message:  We believe that everything, including music, was created by God for His pleasure (Rev. 4:11).  Due to this belief, it is our goal to use music that accurately and faithfully teaches the truths of God’s Word about Himself, His people, and His desire to save those who are lost.  Lyrics that promote worldliness and deny, distort, or devalue the doctrines of the Word of God will not be used or endorsed.
      • Distinct in its Means:    God is not only concerned with the lyrics of the song, but He is also very concerned about the music that accompanies the truths of His Word.  We will not allow music to become the “exception” to Biblical teaching.  God has always been clear that both the message and the means by which that message is delivered be holy and represent His character appropriately.  Therefore, it is our goal to protect our music program from styles of music that would identify or associate with the music styles of the world.
      • Distinct in its Morals:  We do not accept the belief that music is amoral.  Music is a powerful tool and it is used to influence people’s lives every day.  For the Christian, we  must learn that the music used in public and private will either build up the body of Christ or it will bruise the body of Christ (Prov. 23:7).  It is our goal to use and promote music that will build up the body of Christ and promote biblical morals in the lives of God’s people.

The goal of the music ministry at Keystone Baptist Church is to please and promote the God of the Bible.   The message from the pulpit ought to be supported by the music that is sung in the pews.  The Gospel message is hindered and distorted when the music of the church is held to a different standard than the preaching.  Our goal is to use and promote music that will encourage believers toward growth in Christ.   We invite you to join us for a service as we seek to glorify God through the music and message of the Word.

Choir Director – Pastor Sands

Choir Practice – 5:15 PM  Sundays

G.R.O.W. stands for God Rewards Our Work. The program is designed to allow members to get involved on a monthly basis in a broad spectrum of outreach possibilities. This program is not exclusively going out on visitation – letter writing, phone calling, and even administrative duties are a part of this ministry. The members of G.R.O.W. are divided into four groups that meet once a month for one hour and fifteen minutes.

Principles of G.R.O.W.:

      • Sowing and Reaping.
      • Involving every member.
      • Having fun with Outreach.
      • Quality time rather than qantity time.
      • Divine Appointment


G.R.O.W. meets on Thursday nights from 7-8:15. See Pastor Wright for additional information.

Junior Patch club is a division of our Patch Clubs. Rather than attempt to incorporate 2nd through 6th grades into one group, the 2nd and 3rd grades meet as a separate group.  Their leaders are Beth Liber and Rachelle Lewis.  The Patch groups meet on Wednesday nights @ 7:00 PM.  Periodically both the Patch and Jr. Patch groups present a concert in the auditorium for the Wednesday night service.  Following the service the clubbers are presented with their awards.


Every young boy dreams of becoming a cowboy, a fireman, or maybe even a pirate, and I did too. I also dreamed of having a nickname that sounded dangerous and exciting—something like Buffalo Bill or Long John Silver.

When I was 27 years old, my dream came true. On a routine visit to the eye doctor, something unusual was discovered in my left eye. After several weeks of testing, I was rolled into the operating room for surgery on my eye. Only God knew what the outcome of that surgery would be. As I slowly regained consciousness several hours later, my wife gave me the startling news. “The doctor found cancer. Your left eye is gone.”

The doctor gave me my first eye patch, and suddenly I was a pirate! Kids were fascinated by my pirate patch. Everywhere I went children would call out to their embarrassed mothers, “Look, Mom! There goes a pirate!” The children in my church gave me a nickname that stuck-Patch the Pirate.

Looking back, I can clearly see how God prepared me for this experience. Several years before I lost my eye, God’s truth had dramatically changed my life. Verses such as Romans 3:23, “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God,” had shown me I was a sinner who needed God’s help. And when I found out that all sinners “shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire” (Revelation 21:8), I was really concerned about where I would spend eternity.

Then I read, “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8), and John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

I’ll never forget kneeling all alone by my bed one night and telling the Lord I was sorry for all my sin. Believing that Jesus Christ had died on the cross for me, I asked Him to forgive me and become my Savior. Since that night, my life has been dramatically different because Jesus Christ has been in control. I not only have the joy of knowing that I’m going to Heaven when I die, but I also have the assurance that God is working all things together for good in my life right now.

Yes, I lost my eye to cancer, but God transformed my loss into a great blessing. The Lord has given me and my family an exciting ministry to families around the world through Patch the Pirate Story and Song cassettes and CDs. We also have a nationwide broadcast called The Adventures of Patch the Pirate that you can hear on this web page. God has been so good!

You too can experience God’s love and peace by turning from your sin and receiving Christ into your heart as your Savior. I know there are all sorts of so-called “new religions” being manufactured today. But I also know “there is no other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Jesus Christ is the only one who can save us.

Will you pray the same prayer that I prayed by my bed that night? Will you receive Jesus Christ as your Savior? Your eternal destiny depends upon your decision.

Thank you for letting me share a little of what God has done in my life. I pray that the Lord will greatly work in your life also.

May God richly bless you,

Ron “Patch” Hamilton

What is a Teen Ministry and Who is it For?

The Teen Ministry is for 7th – 12 grades and meets every Wednesday night at 7:00 PM. Currently under the leadership of the Youth Pastor, Hunter See, a Teen Ministry has been active at Keystone Baptist Church for over 10 years. Join us for a great time of Bible Study, fellowship, prayer, and fun. Check out the Teen Ministry Activity Schedule on our church calendar for the upcoming events for your teen.

This year a new study called GAMEPLAN is on the agenda. The GAMEPLAN is a book which allows for a study that will last 8 weeks.  The study includes God-and-I Time sheets for studying the Bible, memory verse sheets, quick topic reference verse lists, prayer sheets, and a place for teens to take notes during messages they hear during church services. The purpose of this book is to give the teens a resource they can have at all times helping them to grow in their relationship with God. Youth Leaders will be available to answer questions and help best assist teens to be more like Christ. If you have any questions about this book please call or contact the church office or directly email Pastor Sands.

A Normal Wednesday looks like:

  • Scripture Memory Time
  • Singing
  • A Challenge from the Bible
  • Small Group Discussion
  • A Fun Game

God has given us some wonderful young families in our church. Throughout the year we have activities scheduled just for this group of people. The activities range from events for just the kids and a parent to whole familiy activities like hiking or visiting a farm. During 2009 we were able to include many families in these fun activities. Lord willing, our 2010 schedule will be as exciting and rewarding.

Young Families Sunday School (9:00 AM on Sundays)

At the foundation of the Young Families Ministry is the Sunday School Class This Sunday School class is for families whose children have an average age of 7th grade or below. The class itself is not just about raising children or marriage. Our class time is dedicated to studying subjects that are of interest to the class members. Pastor Shank began the class last year with a study directing attention on the future of our children that is affected by decisions we make now.

The current subject being taught can be found here. Come join us – you can have some input as well.

For more information on Young Families at Keystone Baptist Church or for general inquires, feel free to contact us

Keystone Baptist Church has nursery facilities for infants through two years old. The nursery is a well-cared for area with separate rooms for newborns and toddlers. The nursery is available for all of our regularly scheduled service, and is staffed by volunteers. Our volunteer staff are members or long-standing friends of our church. We do ask our parents that utilize the nursery to take a turn on the schedule. Among those who volunteer are our teens, Sr. Saints, and even some couples that work together on Sunday Evenings.

The nursery schedule for the current week as well as the upcoming week is printed in the bulletin. Our nursery facilitatior does a remarkable job. Marcia is very conscientious and checks to make sure that not only the workers are in place, but that the room is adequately prepared. She is diligent about making sure that every aspect of the nursery is taken care of.


  • When you arrive at our church you will see an information center in the foyer. Someone there can point you to the East Wing of the building. It is a short distance to the far door where a worker will greet you and help you through the process.
  • You will be asked to sign your child in and fill out some basic information. The workers will review the information with you and get your child settled into the nursery.
  • You will be given a pager that allows us to contact you during the service if there is an issue that needs your attention.
  • After the church activity or service you will need to return the pager to the nursery and pick up your child. The pager is the safety system that allows only you to retrieve this child.

Please contact us if you have any questions. We will gladly get you in touch with the right person to answer your question.


Audio and Visuals are a big part of life at Keystone.  In order to wrangle all the equipment into smooth operation during a normal service, a team of at least 3 people is needed.  Some of the tasks include:

  • Sound Digital Mixing
  • Lighting
  • Video Camera Operation
  • Computer Projection Operator


Our goal is to extend the reach of our physical barriers providing media to not only our members but to the world through the use of the internet.  Some of the media provided for on our website includes:

  • Live Service Streaming
  • Recorded Sermon Videos
  • Mobile Apps using Apple, Android, and Roku for viewing recordings
  • Saved sermons in audio only for listening in your car

Chinese Translation

Every Sunday Morning, the service is translated to Mandarin Chinese in real-time.  The audio can be heard through a set of wireless headphones provided by Keystone Baptist Church and can be located on the Lighting Control Table.

We are constantly searching for reliable volunteers to help us in the Media Team Ministry. Teenagers and up make for great Media Team Members. If you would like more information or would like to volunteer, please contact us from the website here: church office

Keystone Kids Club is a program for children 3 years old through the first grade. We sing a lot of songs, work on Bible verses, have a lesson, and color a picture related to the lesson. Our puppet Clem visits with us every week, too. The children look forward to Keystone Kids each week!

This year’s program is going well. The children are doing a wonderful job of learning John 14:2-6. Parents, thank you for your help with this throughout the week. For our lessons this year,we are learning about the Life of Christ. It’s amazing to see these young children listen and learn. Our goal is to lay the foundation for children to accept the Lord at an early age.

If you have children in this age group, we would love to have them join us!  (Parents are welcome to stay, until the child feels comfortable alone).

We have many different classes at Keystone Baptist Church:





2-3 yr. olds

Kids – 4 -Truth Curriculum

Sharon Crane & helpers


4-5 yr. olds

Kids – 4 – Truth Curriculum

Lois Perkinson


1st & 2nd Grades

Kids – 4 – Truth Curriculum

Shawnee Brown


3rd & 4th Grades

Kids – 4 – Truth Curriculum

Larry Kerns


5th & 6th Grade boys/girls

Kids – 4 – Truth Curriculum

Mark Myers


Jr./Sr. High teens


Stuart Rogers


Adult I

The Bible

Todd Channel



Marriage and Family Issues

Pastor Wright


Chinese Fellowship

Biblical Basics

Pastor Wright


Ladies Class

Bible Study

Susan Kerns


Senior Saints is the best ministry at Keystone Baptist Church.

Music plays a major role in our lives.  It is almost impossible for us to go anywhere today and not have access to music.  While everyone has certain styles of music to which they are accustomed, it is the goal of Keystone Baptist Church to use music that is doctrinally sound and biblically supported.  God, Creator of everything in the universe, created music for His pleasure and for His glory (Rev. 4:11).  It is this truth that serves as the foundational for the music ministry at Keystone Baptist Church.  It is our goal and desire to use and promote music that will bring honor to the holiness of our God.  As children of God, we have been called to be holy — separate from the world and set apart to our God (I Peter 1:15-16).  Applying this verse to our music necessitates that the music of the children of God music be distinct from the world in the following areas:

      • Distinct in its Message:  We believe that everything, including music, was created by God for His pleasure (Rev. 4:11).  Due to this belief, it is our goal to use music that accurately and faithfully teaches the truths of God’s Word about Himself, His people, and His desire to save those who are lost.  Lyrics that promote worldliness and deny, distort, or devalue the doctrines of the Word of God will not be used or endorsed.
      • Distinct in its Means:    God is not only concerned with the lyrics of the song, but He is also very concerned about the music that accompanies the truths of His Word.  We will not allow music to become the “exception” to Biblical teaching.  God has always been clear that both the message and the means by which that message is delivered be holy and represent His character appropriately.  Therefore, it is our goal to protect our music program from styles of music that would identify or associate with the music styles of the world.
      • Distinct in its Morals:  We do not accept the belief that music is amoral.  Music is a powerful tool and it is used to influence people’s lives every day.  For the Christian, we  must learn that the music used in public and private will either build up the body of Christ or it will bruise the body of Christ (Prov. 23:7).  It is our goal to use and promote music that will build up the body of Christ and promote biblical morals in the lives of God’s people.

The goal of the music ministry at Keystone Baptist Church is to please and promote the God of the Bible.   The message from the pulpit ought to be supported by the music that is sung in the pews.  The Gospel message is hindered and distorted when the music of the church is held to a different standard than the preaching.  Our goal is to use and promote music that will encourage believers toward growth in Christ.   We invite you to join us for a service as we seek to glorify God through the music and message of the Word.

Choir Director – Pastor Sands

Choir Practice – 5:15 PM  Sundays

G.R.O.W. stands for God Rewards Our Work. The program is designed to allow members to get involved on a monthly basis in a broad spectrum of outreach possibilities. This program is not exclusively going out on visitation – letter writing, phone calling, and even administrative duties are a part of this ministry. The members of G.R.O.W. are divided into four groups that meet once a month for one hour and fifteen minutes.

Principles of G.R.O.W.:

      • Sowing and Reaping.
      • Involving every member.
      • Having fun with Outreach.
      • Quality time rather than qantity time.
      • Divine Appointment


G.R.O.W. meets on Thursday nights from 7-8:15. See Pastor Wright for additional information.

Junior Patch club is a division of our Patch Clubs. Rather than attempt to incorporate 2nd through 6th grades into one group, the 2nd and 3rd grades meet as a separate group.  Their leaders are Beth Liber and Rachelle Lewis.  The Patch groups meet on Wednesday nights @ 7:00 PM.  Periodically both the Patch and Jr. Patch groups present a concert in the auditorium for the Wednesday night service.  Following the service the clubbers are presented with their awards.


Every young boy dreams of becoming a cowboy, a fireman, or maybe even a pirate, and I did too. I also dreamed of having a nickname that sounded dangerous and exciting—something like Buffalo Bill or Long John Silver.

When I was 27 years old, my dream came true. On a routine visit to the eye doctor, something unusual was discovered in my left eye. After several weeks of testing, I was rolled into the operating room for surgery on my eye. Only God knew what the outcome of that surgery would be. As I slowly regained consciousness several hours later, my wife gave me the startling news. “The doctor found cancer. Your left eye is gone.”

The doctor gave me my first eye patch, and suddenly I was a pirate! Kids were fascinated by my pirate patch. Everywhere I went children would call out to their embarrassed mothers, “Look, Mom! There goes a pirate!” The children in my church gave me a nickname that stuck-Patch the Pirate.

Looking back, I can clearly see how God prepared me for this experience. Several years before I lost my eye, God’s truth had dramatically changed my life. Verses such as Romans 3:23, “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God,” had shown me I was a sinner who needed God’s help. And when I found out that all sinners “shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire” (Revelation 21:8), I was really concerned about where I would spend eternity.

Then I read, “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8), and John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

I’ll never forget kneeling all alone by my bed one night and telling the Lord I was sorry for all my sin. Believing that Jesus Christ had died on the cross for me, I asked Him to forgive me and become my Savior. Since that night, my life has been dramatically different because Jesus Christ has been in control. I not only have the joy of knowing that I’m going to Heaven when I die, but I also have the assurance that God is working all things together for good in my life right now.

Yes, I lost my eye to cancer, but God transformed my loss into a great blessing. The Lord has given me and my family an exciting ministry to families around the world through Patch the Pirate Story and Song cassettes and CDs. We also have a nationwide broadcast called The Adventures of Patch the Pirate that you can hear on this web page. God has been so good!

You too can experience God’s love and peace by turning from your sin and receiving Christ into your heart as your Savior. I know there are all sorts of so-called “new religions” being manufactured today. But I also know “there is no other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Jesus Christ is the only one who can save us.

Will you pray the same prayer that I prayed by my bed that night? Will you receive Jesus Christ as your Savior? Your eternal destiny depends upon your decision.

Thank you for letting me share a little of what God has done in my life. I pray that the Lord will greatly work in your life also.

May God richly bless you,

Ron “Patch” Hamilton

What is a Teen Ministry and Who is it For?

The Teen Ministry is for 7th – 12 grades and meets every Wednesday night at 7:00 PM. Currently under the leadership of the Youth Pastor, Hunter See, a Teen Ministry has been active at Keystone Baptist Church for over 10 years. Join us for a great time of Bible Study, fellowship, prayer, and fun. Check out the Teen Ministry Activity Schedule on our church calendar for the upcoming events for your teen.

This year a new study called GAMEPLAN is on the agenda. The GAMEPLAN is a book which allows for a study that will last 8 weeks.  The study includes God-and-I Time sheets for studying the Bible, memory verse sheets, quick topic reference verse lists, prayer sheets, and a place for teens to take notes during messages they hear during church services. The purpose of this book is to give the teens a resource they can have at all times helping them to grow in their relationship with God. Youth Leaders will be available to answer questions and help best assist teens to be more like Christ. If you have any questions about this book please call or contact the church office or directly email Pastor Sands.

A Normal Wednesday looks like:

  • Scripture Memory Time
  • Singing
  • A Challenge from the Bible
  • Small Group Discussion
  • A Fun Game

God has given us some wonderful young families in our church. Throughout the year we have activities scheduled just for this group of people. The activities range from events for just the kids and a parent to whole familiy activities like hiking or visiting a farm. During 2009 we were able to include many families in these fun activities. Lord willing, our 2010 schedule will be as exciting and rewarding.

Young Families Sunday School (9:00 AM on Sundays)

At the foundation of the Young Families Ministry is the Sunday School Class This Sunday School class is for families whose children have an average age of 7th grade or below. The class itself is not just about raising children or marriage. Our class time is dedicated to studying subjects that are of interest to the class members. Pastor Shank began the class last year with a study directing attention on the future of our children that is affected by decisions we make now.

The current subject being taught can be found here. Come join us – you can have some input as well.

For more information on Young Families at Keystone Baptist Church or for general inquires, feel free to contact us

Keystone Baptist Church has nursery facilities for infants through two years old. The nursery is a well-cared for area with separate rooms for newborns and toddlers. The nursery is available for all of our regularly scheduled service, and is staffed by volunteers. Our volunteer staff are members or long-standing friends of our church. We do ask our parents that utilize the nursery to take a turn on the schedule. Among those who volunteer are our teens, Sr. Saints, and even some couples that work together on Sunday Evenings.

The nursery schedule for the current week as well as the upcoming week is printed in the bulletin. Our nursery facilitatior does a remarkable job. Marcia is very conscientious and checks to make sure that not only the workers are in place, but that the room is adequately prepared. She is diligent about making sure that every aspect of the nursery is taken care of.


  • When you arrive at our church you will see an information center in the foyer. Someone there can point you to the East Wing of the building. It is a short distance to the far door where a worker will greet you and help you through the process.
  • You will be asked to sign your child in and fill out some basic information. The workers will review the information with you and get your child settled into the nursery.
  • You will be given a pager that allows us to contact you during the service if there is an issue that needs your attention.
  • After the church activity or service you will need to return the pager to the nursery and pick up your child. The pager is the safety system that allows only you to retrieve this child.

Please contact us if you have any questions. We will gladly get you in touch with the right person to answer your question.


Audio and Visuals are a big part of life at Keystone.  In order to wrangle all the equipment into smooth operation during a normal service, a team of at least 3 people is needed.  Some of the tasks include:

  • Sound Digital Mixing
  • Lighting
  • Video Camera Operation
  • Computer Projection Operator


Our goal is to extend the reach of our physical barriers providing media to not only our members but to the world through the use of the internet.  Some of the media provided for on our website includes:

  • Live Service Streaming
  • Recorded Sermon Videos
  • Mobile Apps using Apple, Android, and Roku for viewing recordings
  • Saved sermons in audio only for listening in your car

Chinese Translation

Every Sunday Morning, the service is translated to Mandarin Chinese in real-time.  The audio can be heard through a set of wireless headphones provided by Keystone Baptist Church and can be located on the Lighting Control Table.

We are constantly searching for reliable volunteers to help us in the Media Team Ministry. Teenagers and up make for great Media Team Members. If you would like more information or would like to volunteer, please contact us from the website here: church office